Friday, November 11, 2016

Turshi me speca Gogozhdare



  • speca gogozhdare (jane speca te kuq te rrumbullaket dhe me tul )
  • kripe tenxhere me 
  • hudhra  i 
  • uthull e bardhe vere ose acid acetik perqendruar per turshi
  • kavanoza qelqi
  • Gjethe dafine
  • Piper i zi kokerr


  1. I lajme specat, dhe i presim ne shirita duke i hequr farat si ne figure
  2. Vendosim ne zjarr nje tenxhere me pak uje ku shtojme nje shishe 1/2litershe uthull dhe 1luge gjelle kripe.
  3. E leme te vloje.
  4. Hedhim nje pjese te specave sa te mbulohen nga lengu dhe i leme per 2 minuta ne tenxhere.Pastaj i heqim duke i kulluar nga lengu dhe i hedhim ne nje tepsi.
  5. Vazhdojme keshtu pjese-pjese derisa te gjithe specat ti kemi kaluar ne lengun me uthull e kripe.
  6. Verejme qe specat jane forcuar.
  7. I leme te ftohen per 1 ose 2 ore. Po keshtu edhe lengun.
  8. Mbasi jane ftohur plotesisht marrim kavanozin prej qelqi. Hedhim ne te 2 gjethe dafine, pak piper te zi kokerr dhe vendosim me rradhe specat ngjeshur me njeri tjetrin qe te marrin sa me shume. 
  9. Midis tyre hedhim edhe 2 thelpinj hudha te prera. Vendosim keshtu ne kavanoza gjithe sasine  e specave.
  10. Pastaj hedhim neper kavanoza edhe lengun sa te mbushen me leng. I mbyllim me kapak dhe mbas disa ditesh jane gati per tu konsumuar.
Shenim : Nqs nuk do te perdorim uthull por acid acetik te perqendruar ne tenxheren me 2 litra uje hedhim 2-3 luge gjelle acid. Luan te njejtin rol me ate te uthulles.
Ingredients: peppers gogozhdare (are peppers red round and pulp) salt pot with garlic of vinegar, white wine or acetic acid concentrated for pickle jars glass bay leaves Black pepper grain Preparation: The news peppers, and we expect strips by removing the seeds as we figure put it in a pot with a little fire where we add a bottle of water 1 / 2litershe 1luge tablespoon vinegar and salt. And let boil. Cast as part of peppers covered by the liquid and leave for 2 minutes away by tenxhere.Pastaj of pure juice and throw out in a pan. So piecemeal continue until all the peppers you have spent in the fluid with salt and vinegar. We note that the peppers are strengthened. I let cool for 1 or 2 hours. So are fluid. When we are completely cooled glass jar. Throw in 2 bay leaves, black pepper grain and pepper set forth compressed with each other to get as much. Among them throw the chopped 2 cloves dismiss. So we put all the quantity of pepper jars. Then take much fluid through the jars to be filled with liquid. I close the lid and after a few days are about to be consumed. Note: If you will not use vinegar but concentrated acetic acid in a pot with 2 liters of water, take 2-3 tablespoons of acid. It plays the same role with that of vinegar.

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