Friday, November 11, 2016

Qofte me Patate



  • 1 kg patate
  • 2 kokrra qepe
  • 1 spec te kuq
  • kripe
  • ereza: rigon, majdanoz
  • 2 thelpinj hudhra
  • 3 luge miell
  • 2 feta buke te thekur
  • 2 kokrra veze
  • vaj per skuqje


  1. I lajme patatet dhe i vendosim ne nje tenxhere dhe i vendosim te ziejne.
  2. Mbasi patatet ziejne, i leme te ftohen dhe i qerojme nga luspat 
  3. I vendosim ne mixer dhe i bejme brume te cilin e hedhim ne nje tepsi.
  4. Qerojme qepet, specat dhe hudhrat, i grijme ne mixer dhe i hedhim tek brumi patateve .
  5. Grijme ne mixer edhe buken e thekur dhe e hedhim tek tepsia.
  6. Hedhim edhe vezet, kripen dhe erezat
  7. I perziejme mire te gjitha derisa te behet nje brum uniforme.
  8. Me duar formojme toptha te vegjel sipas deshires dhe i lyejme siper me miell.
  9. Mbasi i pregatisim te gjitha qoftet, ne nje tigan hedhim vaj dhe e nxehim.
  10. Vendosim qoftet per skuqje duke i kthyer nga te dy anet.
  11. Marrim nje pjate ne te cilen vendosim nje leter thithese dhe vendosim mbi te qoftet ne menyre qe te hiqet vaji i tepert.
Qoftet jane gati per servirje. Ju befte mire!!
Ingredients: 1 kg potatoes 2 grains onion 1 red pepper salt seasoning, oregano, parsley 2 cloves garlic 3 tablespoons flour 2 slices of toast 2 eggs oil for browning Preparation: The news potatoes and place in a pot and place the digest. After they digest potatoes, let them cool and qerojme the scales I put in mixer and dough which do throw in a pan. Qerojme onions, peppers and garlic, the Grijmë the mixer and dough tossing to potatoes. Grijmë the mixer and toast and take to the pan. Take the eggs, salt and spices mix well all until it becomes a uniform dough. Hands form small balls and varnished optionally above the flour. After all if the prepare room, take oil in a pan and add heat. Decide whether redness turning from both sides. Take a dish in which put a blotting paper and place on the cookie in order to remove excess oil. Servirje meatballs are ready. Enjoy your meal!!

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