Friday, November 11, 2016

Kulac shtepie


  • 1 kg miell
  • 2 kokrra veze
  • 1 luge kafe sode buke
  • pak kripe
  • 2 gota kos


  1. Hedhim miellin ne nje tepsi ku do te zeme brumin
  2. E hapim me dore ne mes ku hedhim vezet dhe kripen si dhe soden.
  3. Duke e hedhur kosim e punojme me dore per te zene brumin, hedhim dhe pak uje derisa te pergatitet nje brume unifrom. 
  4. E punojme mire brumin dhe e leme per 1 ore ne temperaturen e dhomes duke e mbuluar me nje picete qe brumi te vije pak.
  5. Pastaj e veme ne taven ku do ta pjekim dhe e futim ne furre ne 200 grade per 30 minuta.
  6. Mbasi e nxjerrim nga furra e mbeshtjellim me nje picete dhe e leme ngritur derisa te ftohet pak
     Kulaci eshte gati per tu sherbyer ne tavoline. Shkon shume te sherbehet me fasule dhe me specat gogozhare turshi qe i kemi pergatitur me lart. Ju befte mire!!

Ingredients: 1 kg flour 2 eggs 1 tsp baking soda coffee a little salt 2 cups yogurt Preparation: We cast the flour in a pan with the dough will take the open hand between where we take the eggs and salt and soda. Throwing Kosim of work with the dough hand to catch, throw and a little water until a dough is prepared in uniform. E work well and leave the dough for 1 hour at room temperature while covered with a tablecloth that a little leaven. Then putting him into the casserole in which they bake and we put in the oven at 200 degrees for 30 minutes. After the draw from the oven wrap with a tablecloth and let the cool slightly raised until the pie is ready to be served at the table. It goes too served with beans and pickled peppers that have gogozhare prepared above. Enjoy your meal!!

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