Perberesit per brumin:
- 300 gr miell
- 1 gote kos
- 1 luge gjelle kripe
- 1 luge kafe sode buke
per mbushjen:
- 2 kokrra qepe te medha
- 2 speca
- 3 kokrra domate mesatare
- kripe
- vaj
- Hedhim mjellin ne nje tepsi dhe i hapim nje grope ne mes
- Hedhim kripen dhe soden e bukes , kosin ne gropen e hapur
- I perziejme me dore duke shtuar uje te vakur derisa te behet brumi (Brumi duhet te jete i bute ne menyre qe peta te hapet me lehtesi)
- E leme pak kete brume te vije derisa te pregatisim mbushjen
- Per mbushjen grijme holle qepet ne nje tigan dhe i veme te skuqen duke i hedhur 3-4 luge gjelle vaj
- Grijme specat dhe i shtojme tek qepet dhe vazhdojme i skuqim
- Mbasi te jene skuqur mire qepet dhe specat i hedhim domatet e grira ( eshte mire qe domateve tu heqim me pare luspen e cila hiqet me lehtesi po ti futim ne uje te nxehte)
- E leme te zieje ne tigan derisa te behet homogjene, mund ti hedhim pak uje sipas deshires
- E leme te ftohet
- Nderkohe ndajme brumin ne dy pjese. Pjesa e siperme me e vogel se e poshtmja
- Hapim peten e poshtme dhe e veme ne tepsi te lyer me pare me vaj.
- Hedhim mbushjen dhe e hapim uniforme ne pete.
- Hapim peten e dyte me te madhe dhe e vendosim siper duke i kthyer pak anet.
- E pjekim ne sac per 20 minuta.
- Mbasi e nxjerrim e lyejme siper me gjalp dhe ju befte mire.
Ingredients for the dough: 300 gr flour 1 cup yogurt 1 tablespoon salt 1 tablespoon brown soda bread for the filling: 2 grains large onions 2 peppers 3 grains medium tomato salt oil Preparation: We cast the dough on a baking tray and open a hole in the middle We cast salt and baking of bread, yogurt in open pit I mix by hand adding water vakura until it becomes dough (dough should be soft so as PETA opens easily) leaving little this dough rise until it prepare room For filling Grijmë thin filling onions in a pan and putting our shame throwing Grijmë 3-4 tablespoons oil and add the peppers to the onions and continue to be skuqim when well fried onions and peppers throw chopped tomatoes (it is good you give your tomatoes before luspen which is easily removed to stamp in hot water) let it simmer in the pan until it becomes homogeneous, can optionally take a little water to cool while leaving divide the dough into two parts. The upper smaller than the lower shell We open and putting him first tray painted with oil. Open cast filling and uniform pete. Pete open the second largest place and turning slightly above sides. The bake for 20 minutes in the sac. After the draw varnished above with butter and bon appetit. Note: Filling can be made optionally prsh: leek and cottage cheese, spinach, yogurt and eggs, cabbage etc.
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